Through years of practicing healing therapies, bodywork and yoga, I have developed a conscious awareness and understanding of the body, mind and spirit connection. I am deeply inspired by nature’s ability to regenerate and restore. I find joy in empowering others on their unique path of coming home to their true nature; finding their inner potential. 

And that is the path I am on – helping clients and students to experience a deep learning of themselves as they uncover and awaken to new insight that will subtly shape their new reality.

As I evolve with my education and personal work, I continue to invoke an awakening within me, which results in a sense of harmony & feeling whole.

All of my life’s work, knowledge and daily practices are the foundation of every treatment, class, workshop and retreat I offer.


The ocean, stars, moon, and elements hold the blueprint of creation in their unique forms. This same blueprint exists within each and everyone of us. Our role in this lifetime is to uncover this higher intelligence. The more we integrate the body, mind and spirit the more life force we awaken, resulting in a brighter, healthier, and more connected way of living.

 We all come from the same source, something bigger than ourselves. As we connect to the universal intelligence in our daily lives, we remember our own potential, and our true nature.

Summer 2015 Sean-8700.jpg


Flow comes when we stop resisting life and we surrender to what is. Trusting in the flow of life gives us the power to touch to the infinite possibilities available to us.

When we consciously make the choice to bring about more balance and harmony within ourselves, the world will reflect that balance and harmony back to us. One cannot occur without the other, as we are one unified field. 

If we can shift something within ourselves, we shift the world.

I am here to help you every step of the way to find grace within yourself and let the transformation ripple into our world. Are you ready to connect to your life force, return to wholeness and listen so that you can hear? The infinite harmonious dance of life! Are you ready to trust the knowingness that within each and everyone of us resides the potential for our own healing and evolution? The time is now.   


Dance as Medicine Teacher Training, 2022

Embodied Flow Yoga Teacher Training, 200 hrs, 2018

Deep Flow Bodywork, Teacher Training, 2018

Restorative Bodywork, Vancouver, 2018

Deep Flow, In motion, Vancouver, 2018

Deep Flow Foundation, Vancouver, 2015

Fire Cupping, Whistler, 2015

Certified Paddle Canada SUP & SUP Yoga Instructor, 2015

Neural Manipulation, Barral Institute, 2015

Yandara Yoga Institute, RYT-CYA 200hrs. 2014.

Cranio Sacral Therapist,  Langara College, 2012.

Visceral Manipulation Level 1 , 2011.

Biodynamic Cranio Sacral Level 1, 2010.

Reiki Certification Level 2, 2008.

Massage Certification, Maui School of Therapeutic Massage, 2004.

Thai Massage Level 1, 2002.