Cranio Sacral Therapy

30 min. $50

60 min. $150

75 min $175

*30min is an initial treatment to be added to any other treatments.

**Sliding scale for permanent resident of the sea to sky area. Email for inquiries.

***Receive a free frequency reading and treatment on your 1st session.


This gentle light touch therapy & deep listening releases tension deep in the body by freeing the central nervous system and improving the whole body health and performance.  Improving the function of the nervous system can bring dramatic improvement of body dysfunction, relieving pain, stress, strengthening resistance to disease, helping the body to relax and self correct, and enhancing health and well being. 

The intention is to free any area of inertia (unresolved tensions, strains, and trauma created by physical injuries, emotional and psychological stresses, birth trauma and toxicity). By freeing the the inertia the ordering forces of the Breath of Life find expression in the tissues. When this happens it is marked by the restoration of balance and symmetry in primary respiratory motion and a return to normal functioning.

“Today was a turning point for me with the concussion recovery After 2 weeks of not being able to focus, signs of depression, constant migraine, and a blank mind. Up until today, I was actually convinced I wasn’t going to be the same again. I know it’s far from over, but I saw some light today. I really think the work I did with Cranio Sacral therapy made a huge difference. Thank you [Marie-Soleil] for going out of your way to help me.” Chris Brown | Professional Snowmobiler / Owner Whistler Ride.